Category: Devops

  • Network structure, layers and devices explained

    The Open System Interconnection Reference Model OSI reference model is a unified model or standard that helps to stick devices manufactured by different companies work together. OSI reference model consists of 7 layers, that define functionality & limitations. Network devices can operate on a single or multiple layers based on a device capability or network…

  • 5 docker commands to install PostgreSQL (Postgis), MongoDB, MySQL, and Redis

    PostgreSQL where (you can change them on your choice): Hint: using  25432 (or any other rarely used) port prevents conflicts You also can install it directly to your machine using this guide PostgreSQL + Postgis Hint:  -d flag runs the container as a daemon: it starts in the background and you can continue working with the same terminal…

  • 7 steps after installing PostgresQL on Ubuntu Server 20.04

    Problem: After installation sudo apt install postgresql-12 you try to connect to your fresh PostgresQL 12 using psql, but it’s responding Solution: in newer versions it might be 5433 by default, so it causes problems find a string with  port = 5433 and change it to  port = 5432 Change 12 to your porstgresql version And…