Month: December 2023
How to Install SonarQube Using Docker
Introduction SonarQube is an open-source platform for continuous inspection of code quality. It provides detailed reports on bugs, code smells, and security vulnerabilities in your codebase. In this guide, we’ll show you how to install SonarQube, Docker-powered. Prerequisites Step-by-Step Installation This command will download the latest SonarQube Docker image and run it as a daemon.…
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Network structure, layers and devices explained
The Open System Interconnection Reference Model OSI reference model is a unified model or standard that helps to stick devices manufactured by different companies work together. OSI reference model consists of 7 layers, that define functionality & limitations. Network devices can operate on a single or multiple layers based on a device capability or network…
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OWASP Top 10 attack vectors, risks, and tools explained
What’s OWASP briefly OWASP stands for Open Web Application Security Project, a non-profit organization that’s focused on web application security standards, tools, and methodologies. OWASP top 10 in its turn stands for Top-10 major and wide-spread security risks of web applications (doesn’t matter backend or frontend ones). OWASP is a registered trademark of the OWASP foundation…
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Top-5 handy lerna flags for your monorepo
–scope <package_name | name_pattern> This filter limits the command execution scope only to packages that meet the condition. For example: Wait, what is this lerna? Lerna is a monorepo tool, that makes you having all packages at hand. It significantly simplifies your git and versioning routine. Read more about lerna. –ignore <package_name | name_pattern> This one…
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5 stages of penetration testing explained
Active and passive reconnaissance Passive reconnaissance Passive reconnaissance doesn’t include using actual pentesting utils but rather is an analysis of what the organization looks like from within. A good start is to google as much information as you can about the target. You can search for job openings, financial reports, and office photos. Especially useful…
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5 docker commands to install PostgreSQL (Postgis), MongoDB, MySQL, and Redis
PostgreSQL where (you can change them on your choice): Hint: using 25432 (or any other rarely used) port prevents conflicts You also can install it directly to your machine using this guide PostgreSQL + Postgis Hint: -d flag runs the container as a daemon: it starts in the background and you can continue working with the same terminal…
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7 steps after installing PostgresQL on Ubuntu Server 20.04
Problem: After installation sudo apt install postgresql-12 you try to connect to your fresh PostgresQL 12 using psql, but it’s responding Solution: in newer versions it might be 5433 by default, so it causes problems find a string with port = 5433 and change it to port = 5432 Change 12 to your porstgresql version And…
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